Archeology of Fuo Go Li

The Archaeology of Fu Gou Li centres around the idea of lost ghosts - of community, relationships with ones who live and reside close. This community once pre-existent in the Chinese hutongs, has now been lost to the comforts of the blocks.
Responding to the changing needs of the elderly and the growing population of the migrant workers, who both share the common circumstance of loneliness, the project defines a question whether the lost relationships can be dug up and re-imagined between the existing buildings by depressing the ground plane and creating a landscape of inhabited single storey living modules. Each responding to a different set of public and private thresholds, which collectively define paths, open spaces, courtyards, and sunken courtyards, transitioning between private and public, between living and working and
between sleeping and socialising.

Site Map , Fuo Go Li Adjacencies to Chinese Hutongs

Diagram exploring the community ghosts of the past hutongs and the possibility of their return

Site Plan 1:500 @A2
Ground Floor 1:200 @A2

Section 1:100 @A1

Lower Ground Floor Plan
1:200 @A2
1:50 @A2

1:100 @A1